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Endress+Hauser Flow, product center for flow measurement

Endress+Hauser Flow

Product center for flow measuring technology and fluid management solutions

Over the last 45 years, Endress+Hauser Flow has achieved a top position among manufacturers of industrial flowmeters for liquids, gas and steam. We support you with our proven, top-quality flowmeters. You can always be sure that we will provide you with products which fit your specific measuring task. More than 2340 employees at seven facilities in Reinach (Switzerland), Cernay (France), Greenwood (USA), Aurangabad (India), Suzhou (China), Itatiba (Brazil) and Coburg (Germany) assure this.


  • Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG

    Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG

    Christoph Merian-Ring 4

    4153 Reinach Basel-Landschaft


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    Kort beskrivning av våra produkter och tjänster för flödesmätning av vätskor, gaser och ånga